Runs With Wolves Sanctuary

A Wolf Rescue and Education Center

Tag Archives: Wolves

Please Help Stop Idaho’s Wolf Derby


As some of you may know, there is a terrible derby being planned.

A “hunters’ rights” organization wants to hold a commercial predator killing contest on national forest and private lands. We need the US Forest Service (USFS) to stop this barbarity.

Tell Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack to close our national forests to Idaho’s appalling wolf and predator killfest.

This derby originally was planned to be held on 3 million acres of public lands. However, due to overwhelming public outcry, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) made the wise decision to withdraw its permission to allow this organization to hunt wolves and coyotes.

Tell Secretary Vilsack that killing wolves and other predators for commercial gain on national forest lands is just plain wrong.

Contests like this completely ignore the fact that predators such as wolves and coyotes are essential to maintaining healthy ecosystems. National forest lands are supposed to be here for the protection of all species, and for the enjoyment of people. Killing competitions ruin all of that.

Please take action TODAY, and help us stop this event from taking place on national forest lands!

Wolf News


Hey everyone,

I thought I’d share some wolf news with you. Some of you might be aware that the US Fish and WIldlife Service in Wyoming delisted gray wolves in 2012. This means that my Wyoming kin were no longer protected under the Endangered Species Act (ESA).

For two long, insufferable years, wolves were hunted, gassed, and poisoned in an effort to diminish the population.

Wildlife conservation groups (Defenders of Wildlife, Center for Biological Diversity, Natural Resources Defense Council, and Sierra Club) filed a lawsuit claiming that the delisting violated the terms of the ESA. They were represented by counsel from Earthjustice.

Well, guess what? A federal judge reinstated ESA protections for gray wolves in Wyoming! Woot Woot! A big victory for wolves and for wildlife conservation groups that work so hard to protect guys like me.

The state then attempted to make a “quick fix” of its management plan, hoping this would return wolf management to the state. The Judge reasserted her previous ruling that requires Wyoming to revise its management plan. So, the wolves in Wyoming are safe for now. But, the fight is far from over.

Thanks to anyone who stood up for the wolves and made their voices heard over this issue. We wolves need all the support we can get!


Till next time,



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